See what we're talking about over at BuddhaBadges.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Bum Speak

A very nice message came our way from the Dharma Bum Life Program that one of the participants posted on the DBLP blog, and I have to admit it brought a tear to the eye, let's just say that. Here goes:

Living Practice + Buddha Badges

Helping out with [the BuddhaBadge's] project was inspiring.  Such a creative way of weaving Dharma into everyday life and for the benefit of others. Working for the sake of others, the “no trace” trace, adding another link to the chain of countless causes and effects as he explained, button making as meditation, really?----ingenious! Dharma expression. When I am present enough to catch glimpses of it, it’s an inspired sight. I think it’s dharma freestylin’ and winning the battle.  One breath, one button, one break(samsara)beat at a time. The Buddha Badges experience showed me the creative, living quality of Dharma practice.  It stretches me to release expectations, to open up to more possibilities for what Dharma practice looks like.

Living practices
Creative liberation
Rooting dharma here  

Thank you so much to the anonymous Dharma Bum-To-Be who wrote that very inspiring interpretation of the evening. It serves as a positive and invigorating Dharmic pivoting point to keep it going! Can't wait to see these folks again for another Badge-making session this Monday and possibly get some researchers on board to help make ALTAR-BOT super awesome.

Again, thank you to the Dharma Bum Life Program and The Dharma Bum Temple!

_/\_ _/\_ _/\_

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